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Sexual Health Blogs

Why Become a Certified Sex Therapist? Exploring the Benefits

Let us know if this sounds like you… 

  • You’re the friend everyone goes to when they want to talk about sex. 

  • You aren’t shy about sharing your knowledge of sexuality.

  • You find yourself fascinated by all of the new information and research in the sexuality field. 

If any of these sound like you, congratulations, you’ve found the right place! So, you've found yourself drawn to the field of sex therapy. It's a fascinating and rewarding area, full of interesting challenges and the chance to make a real difference in people's lives. But here's the thing: if you really want to dive into this world, you need the right credentials. That's where certification in sex therapy comes in. Let's chat about why it's important, the benefits it brings, and why SHA (the Sexual Health Alliance) is the place to get certified.

Why Get Certified in Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a specialized field. It goes beyond the typical issues you might discuss in therapy—like anxiety or depression—and dives deep into intimacy, sexuality, and relationships. To do it well, you need to be prepared to tackle all sorts of sensitive topics and make sure that you're providing a safe, supportive space for your clients. Certification shows that you've put in the work and are equipped to handle the unique challenges of sex therapy.

The Top 3 Reasons to Get Certified as a Sex Therapist

  1. Credibility and Expertise
    Getting certified in sex therapy instantly boosts your credibility. When clients see that you've got a certification, they know you're not just winging it. It shows you've undergone specialized training, you understand the complexities of sexual health, and you're committed to ethical practice. This credibility helps clients feel more comfortable and secure, which is crucial when discussing personal and intimate topics.

  2. Increased Career Opportunities
    Let's be real—sex therapy is a growing field. As more people become open to talking about their sexual health and relationships, the demand for skilled sex therapists is rising. Certification opens doors to new opportunities, whether it's in private practice, healthcare facilities, or educational settings. With certification, you're setting yourself apart from other therapists and positioning yourself for success in an industry that’s growing quickly. 

  3. Deeper Knowledge and Skills
    Certification isn't just a fancy piece of paper; it's about gaining a deeper understanding of sexual health, intimacy, and human relationships. The training and education you receive as part of the certification process will give you a solid foundation to work from. You'll learn about sexual dysfunctions, communication skills, LGBTQIA+ issues, and much more. This deeper knowledge not only makes you a better therapist but also enriches your personal understanding of sexuality and relationships.

Why SHA Is the Top Sex Therapy Certification Program

So, you're convinced that certification in sex therapy is the way to go. But where should you get certified? Let me introduce you to SHA—the Sexual Health Alliance. This is where leaders in the sexuality field gather to share the latest, most progressive research. In this program, you will have the chance to learn from experts in the field and even gather with them online to ask questions. 

SHA offers a comprehensive certification program that covers everything you need to know to become a successful sex therapist. The curriculum is designed by experts in the field, and it's super flexible, with both online self-paced coursework and live, online weekends. If you want to get together in person with your like-minded fellow students, there’s an option for that too!

What sets SHA apart is the community they create. When you join their certification program, you're not just getting a certificate; you're becoming part of a network of sex-positive professionals who are passionate about what they do. This community is a valuable place for learning, sharing experiences, and getting support as you navigate your career in sex therapy. The SHA sex therapy program also prepares you for AASECT certification in sex therapy. If your goal is to get AASECT certified, starting your education with SHA is the best first step. 

Plus, SHA is committed to promoting sexual health and education in a way that's inclusive and respectful. They cover a wide range of topics, ensuring that you're equipped to work with diverse clients and address a variety of issues. With SHA, you're not just learning the basics; you're diving deep into the world of sexual health and coming out as a knowledgeable, certified professional.

Get Ready for a Life-Changing Career 

Getting certified in sex therapy is a game-changer. It boosts your credibility, opens doors to new career opportunities, and gives you the knowledge and skills you need to make a real impact. And if you're looking for the best place to get certified, SHA is the way to go. So, if you're ready to take your interest in sex therapy to the next level, jump into SHA's certification program. Trust me, you won't regret it. It's a journey that will not only change your career but also deepen your understanding of sexuality, relationships, and, most importantly, yourself.

Click here to learn more about the sex therapy certification program at SHA! 

Curious about your path in the evolving field of sexuality? Let's find out which SHA certification is meant for you. Take our 'Shape the Future of Sexuality: Which Certification Is Your Calling?' quiz and embrace your future role in shaping sexuality education.